The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 65

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 65


Clyde had been pacing round the house for the past 30 minutes. Rex should have arrived since 3 hours ago. He tried to reach his number and Bami’s line but there was no reply or it was unreachable as usual. The family was still asleep. Although he had noticed some kind of restlessness in their movement the past few hours. More tossing and kicking…the slumber wasn’t as deep as before.

He walked round the house, entering every room and observing the sleeping occupants. Maybe Rex had gone straight to the hospital…to check on Olivia? That sounded like something he could do. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced until he was almost certain Rex was at Olivia’s bed side in the hospital that very moment. He decided to call Buzz. He was on sentry duty at the hospital, tasked with her protection.

“Hello , Buzz here”
“Buzz its Clyde”
“Oh… what’s up man”
“Is Rex over there in the hospital?”
“Rex? no…Its just me and Olivia…no body from BROTA here yet”
“Why do you ask?…i thought he’d be in the house with you by now”
“Me too….but he hasn’t come yet”
“Really? Have you tried calling him?”
“That’s what I’m still trying to do..
“Okay…let me try from this end too…maybe I can get Bami or Andy” Buzz said and cut the call.


She polished the metallic barrel of the semiautomatic weapon. The Uzi was a very effective gun in the hand of an expert. It was a portable rifle in her opinion, a kalishnov without the excess weight and ridiculously shaped banana clips but the same effect and a better aim. She hooked the sling round her shoulder and let the gun dangle on her side. Next she polished her side arm a beretta pistol, checked the bullets then chambered a round so she had one on the ready then she switched the safety on.

The ice cream tune went off again and she grabbed the phone immediately. “What is it…any developments?”

“I just received a call now….it seems Rex hasn’t arrived yet”
“What! How is that possible?” she was buffet

“I honestly don’t know…but he’s not at home or in the hospital….maybe his flight got delayed”

“I’ve already sent him a message”
“Then let me suggest you ignore it…don’t go…at least not until we understand things better”
She was silent. She didn’t believe Rex would be so stupid to try anything funny. She had thought with his daughter on the line he would stop his usual cowboy theatrics but he was still playing games. Her eyes darkened as she thought of innovative ways to make him suffer.

:::::::::::::::: After Buzz the betrayer ended his call, he slouched his posture and wore a worried demeanor on his face, like a worried husband.

He continued pacing down the hallway outside the room Olivia was recuperating.
The doctor came outside and was suprised to see him. He seemed to take pity on the worried husband because he said “she’s awake now… can spend few minutes with her and see her briefly”

He was already shaking his head. “You know what doctor, I’m not in a very strong place emotionally…I’d like to hold off seeing her for a while”

The doctor looked like he couldn’t understand but he nodded.


Olivia wondered why Rex didn’t come see her. She needed to see his face, to know that the nightmare was over, to know that their daughter was going to be safe. The doctor said her husband was outside….’worried sick’ as he had put it but why didn’t he want to see her? maybe something was wrong with her….something the doctor wasn’t telling her…something Rex couldn’t face….her eyes became moist as she remembered what the lady said earlier about reuniting her with her wheelchair and the tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered the intense pain that had followed in both knees.


“Bingo! he did it….Tonye I don’t know who your inside man is but he has balls!!” Short Sam shouted into the receiver the moment Tonye picked the call.

“So you’re in?” she asked excitedly
“damn right I’m in…”

“So who is it…what did you find out?”
“woa, calm down….relax….poka a’ poka okay….little by little, when I know anything you would know it too. S.s out!”

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