The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 63

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 63

When Tonye returned to the hospital, it was already Past two in the afternoon. She saw no sign of the detective as she scanned the hallway, there was no uniformed officer also. She entered the room and found Rex awake struggling to sit up.
“Take it easy, take it easy…” she helped him rest his back on the head board.
“I have to go” he whispered weakly
“I know…its alright…” she patted him gently watching her husband who was still fast asleep. She couldn’t help but worry.
When the doctor entered the ward he looked suprised to see Tonye perched on the edge of the bed soothing Rex with reassuring words.
“The detective left her card for you” The doctor said after clearing his throat. “She said when the patients wake you should let her know” he handed a designed complimentary card and Tonye took it and studied it. She put it in the inner pocket of her jacket.

“So doc, how long are they going to be admitted and how long before they can….you know, work and jump and do physical stuffs?”

“It is imperative that they rest a great deal… Well a fractured rib normarlly takes about four to six weeks to heal naturally…so I’d advice them to stay at least for the week”
“No way!” Rex managed to summon a little energy in his voice this time around.
“Sir its not advisable to do anything that would overstress your chest or breathing..the ribs heal very fast but you need to play your part” the doctor said placatingly.
“Bullshit” Rex glanced at Tonye “what’s the time?”

“Its 2 o’clock”
“Oh Lord…I’ve missed my flight…” there was breathtaking panic in his eyes when he looked at her “Tonye there has to be atleast one more flight to Benue today…help me book it…please”

She nodded, although she didn’t believe he’d make the flight, not in the state He was in. Still She’d put Kirsten on the job immediately.
“Mr Rex, I implore you to relax your mind free your being from stress so you can heal properly” the doctor adviced.
“Doctor…just give me some painkillers and a body bandage to keep my torso steady” Rex said stubbornly.
Tonye slipped out of the room second guessing the decision to book the flight. Was it really wise, Rex was in no state to go running from state to state. She put her hands in her jacket pockets and hunched her shoulders deep in thought. She felt something in her right pocket and she pulled out the detective’s card. She studied it for some minutes then finally made up her mind and dialed the number.
“hello detective….I got your card from the doctor”
“oh…thanks for calling, is he awake?”
“yes..any progress in finding out who is behind this?”
“well Rex received a message giving him directions to an adress in Benue and the time 4pm”
“Benue?” Tonye gasped
“His family is in Benue…his daughter was kidnapped in Benue just last night!”
“I have a response squad that operates in the middle belt. I can reach out to them and immediately they’d be in Benue by that time” Dagnet said confidently
“but we don’t still have a full grasp of what is going on…that would be going in blind” Tonye disagreed.

“So what do you propose? bare in mind that a little girl’s life is at risk”
How could she forget? The little girl in question was her god daughter.”Let me talk to Rex first…there’s a reason the message entered his phone and not anybody else….if it comes to it I would go for the meeting myself I have flight tickets already.”
She could feel the detecive shaking her head over the phone.

“I disagree with that, this is a police case and we don’t go around endagering the lives of innocent civilians….because when it comes down to it, you guys are just civilians….hello, hello! hello..!”

No reply just the dial tone.

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