The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 59

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 59


So the three men in BROTA were nursing some kind of broken rib or the other and currently sedated.

DrRasheed was currently looking after Andy at the Teaching hospital, adjusting the valve of the drip he was receiving. While miles away Rex and Bami were being nursed back to health in the general hospital, Apapa.
It was a bad day to be a BROTA agent.


Tonye was the last agent standing and as she waited for Bigelow to show up in the same pizza hut they met earlier she glanced through the specials. She was far from hungry…anything she ate now would be tasteless in her mouth. Seeing Bami and Rex in that horrible state had left a sour taste in her mouth. So she ordered a canned drink instead and fixed her eyes on the music video in the corner. Although the only thing she could see was the horrible way Bami and Rex had looked two hours ago.


“Detective, one of them just received a message on his phone”
Dagnet perked her ears up immediately. She turned to the young police man. “Let me see”

The constable handed her the phone they had retrieved from the unconscious man.
“Where is this address?” She asked reading the message over and over again.
“Its in Markurdi…a place called downtown”

“Should I contact the Benue police force to check it out?” The officer asked eagerly
“Okay…but it says 4’oclock….so hold on first”


“So I copy the program to the desktop?” Bigelow asked for the hundredth time.
“Yes Big….that’s all you have to dο”
“Hmmm….well hope it can’t be traced back to me or anything?”
“Believe me…our guy knows what he’s doing” Tonye assured him.
Bigelow sighed and took a piece of pizza. He had single handedly eaten more than half. Tonye wasn’t hungry but was apparently very thirsty.
“I wonder how you’re not fat with the way you eat.” She said
He smiled “my metabolism rate is something else…for example the pizza we had earlier has long been burnt out….the tension alone in my body is enough to burn any fat”

“Big..thank you for helping out …you should start going now”
He looked at her then grudgingly stood up on second thought he carried the pizza box under his arm. “My metabolism…” he said at her questioning glance. Then he was gone.
There were so many things to do and only one Tonye to do them. She remained in the booth, swirling her drink and staring into space. Should she go to Benue herself now that Rex wasn’t capable….Olivia would need her, the family would need her, little Emma needs her….But there were still so many lose ends over here as well. Like the student doctor, where exactly did she fit in everything? Dr Rasheed claimed the DNA from the grave matched Fome but forensic expert Terry said it didn’t. Which one of them was lying?
And there was the agency. Just how involved in the Fome case was the Government and what exactly was the ‘Fome case’ to begin with.

The first rule in detecting is to ask questions…no matter how dumb the questions are or no matter how strange, you ask anyway. then the next step was to try and answer each question. Take actions that would help make the mystery clearer. She had tons of questions, what she needed was answers.
She called Short Sam again.
“Sam I need your help”
“I’ve not even gotten home, I’m still sitting in traffic and you’re disturbing me” he complained.

She ignored him “There’s this student doctor that fought Andy, she was attached to a doctor here but there’s every indication that she’s a spy. Her name is Christie, I want you to dig up on her”
“At least give me a surname now!”
” Christie is all I have”
“I’m not a magician! I only work with the resources available to me”
“Wait let me try the doctor if he can help with a surname.” She said raising her voice over the loud horning coming from her phone receiver. “Is the traffic that bad?” She asked

“A container fell and blocked the good side of the road…you can imagine the ruckus going on here right now”
“I’d call you later… would you know when the program has been installed?”
He laughed confidently “Is it not my program? I’l know the minute he even plugs the flash in”


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