The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 54

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 54

Bulky’s job was to decide who went past the stairs and who didn’t. In a day he refused about a dozen people, most of them genuinely thought a lawyer practiced in the building and wanted legal advice. While some were either clueless or up to mischief. Like the ex agent who had come two days ago, Bulky could see the mischief in his messed up eyes.

Bulky was a quiet guy, he didn’t speak much and most times didn’t need to. He was built like a tank and his physique always made a statement and discouraged even the toughest men from facing him.

He was sitting on the step behind the gate as he always did when the man came through the revolving door. Bulky recognized him but remained impassive as the man approached.
“I’m here to sign my annullment papers” the man said
Bulky nodded and stood up. Without a word he opened the gate and let the man through.
“Thanks man”
Bulky didn’t reply.


Ryan Bigelow ascended the stairs glancing over his shoulder frequently. The man just wasn’t the kind of person you turned your back fully on. His large hands could easily snap a neck like a tree branch plus he never smiled!

Bigelow was a paranoid man and he had every reason to be. He had seen some horrible things in his 38 years on earth.
He climbed the stairs with his hands in his pockets and a serious frown on his face. One didn’t smile carelessly in this place.
Upstairs was made up of a dozen cubicles demarcated with ply wood. Each cubicle had a desktop computer and heaps of papers and folders on the desk. They were all occupied, young men and women sat pecking away at keyboards with their eyes glued to the monitor. None of them paid him any attention and Bigelow strolled past them to the inner office. This room wasn’t spacious but half a dozen computers more powerful/modern than the ones outside were lined on the desk with each space demarcated like a library to afford privacy.

There were two agents using the systems. They glanced at him but said nothing. One of them nodded in greeting and Bigelow nodded back. He chose a work station as far from the two men as possible and fired up the computer. He cracked his knuckles while the system booted hoping his plan would be successful. He logged on to the website of the National Intelligence agency. It was like a normal website with the generic info; about us, vision, and the rest.

However the trick was to double click the words: founded, courageous, fearless and lastly email.

The word ‘founded’ was under the ‘about us’ window, courageous and fearless were found under the ‘Our vision’ option and email was in the last window, under the ‘contact us’ option.

The website also had an option to view the most wanted criminals in the country. Bigelow didn’t bother to check, Fome’s name had been removed since two years ago and moved to the ‘deceased’ file.

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The Hole In The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 53

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