The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 28

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 28

Andy ended the call and stared at the mirror. He jabbed his finger at his reflection. “Okay, be cool….keep it cool, she likes ya….stay cool”
A minute later he strode out of the toilet and with a confident gait, swaggered into the lab.
Christie was nowhere to be found at first but then she hurried out of the inner office. She had a slight flush in her cheeks and Andy thought she looked guilty.

“What, is it?”
“Oh….nothing really, someone called the landline in his office and I thought it would be him calling to give instructions…I can start the proceedure myself you know……but it was from x-ray asking for some earlier reports”
“Oh….” Andy said, he looked at the cooler and it was exactly how he had left it.
Christie turned and locked the office door.

“Why did you lock it?” Andy asked
“Oh, the door is always locked…a strict policy of the doctor but he is quite forgetful and misplaces his key sometimes so we keep a spare up here.” She stood on her tiptoes and kept the key on a jar containing some kind of reptile in coloured liquid on the shelf.
“Okay, so…” Andy took his seat “how about you, are you single?”


Alli no Joy tapped his steering as he bobbed his head to the Fela song ‘beast of no Nation’ coming from the radio.
“Animal wear agbada….”
He never went past 80km/h when his wife or any of his family was in the car but whenever he was alone he let it rip. Pushed the pedal to the floor. He was an old man, if he didn’t speed now, when will he?

Automatically he slowed down as he got closer to the park and the needle dropped to a steady 60.

“oh Fela was right….3 decades later and we have the same Beast in power”
He got into the park and slowed completely as he dialled his wife’s number.
It rang and rang but there was no reply.
He swore and hit the redial button but still there was no reply.

“How on Earth do i find them now in this huge park, for God’s sake Martha pick up your phone!”

He accelerated slowly watching both sides of the park at the children in swings, riding bikes and playing with dogs. He was about to call her again when his phone rang. It was his wife.
“Martha….why didn’t you pick up?”
“I dozed off….Olivia was the one who woke me up, everyone is really tired…where are you?”

she sounded tired.
“i’m in the park already”
“Oh…thank God, you’ll see us now, just give us five minutes”
Before the call was disconnected. He heard her say “Oya wake up, its time to go..”
It took almost fifteen minutes he knew because he had glanced at his watch frequently. But when he saw his family he brightened then frowned with concern. His grandchildren were almost sleep walking, the twins were walking- or stumbling with their eyes closed, each of them holding their Grandmother for support but she looked like she was the one who needed to be held.

Soma was in her mother’s hands, her head on her shoulder fast asleep and Utebo looked like she was struggling to stay awake. Only Olivia was bright eyed but there was a worried look in her face. Her daughter was also in her arms conked out.
When they finally filed into the car, he started the engine “So, how come y’all look so tired…the children must have played a lot”
Martha yawned from the front seat. “It must…it must be the weather, it was really sunny earlier”
“Actually the children didn’t even get to play at all….they all fell asleep” Olivia said with a frown between her eyebrows.
Alli was staring at her in the rearview “What is it?” he asked

She shook her head and forced a smile “its probably nothing, I’m just tired too”
“Hmmm….hope one of you would stay awake long enough to serve my dinner, I haven’t eaten since morning”


The hospital was big and Tonye wondered where she should start from, there were so many doors, so many passages that it would be easier to get lost than find somebody. She paced around, trying not to get too far from the entrance as she tried turnings and knocked on doors.

“Sorry please I’m looking for doctor Rasheed” she said to a nurse she met in the hallway”
“errm…doctor Rilwan”
“I don’t know him, we have a lot of doctors here….anyway try the conference hall, he might be among the doctors having a meeting”
“Can you direct me to the conference hall?”
The woman looked unsure. She studied tonye. “Who are you? the doctors are not to be disturbed during-”
Tonye pulled at her chain and dug the badge from beneath her blouse.
“You know what this means right?… i need you to direct me to the conference hall”
The nurse nodded agreeably “Why of course, i’ll take you there myself”
Tonye smiled sweetly “thank you”
She saw the doctor from outside the window. He had an extra large head that was easily recognizable.

“Thank you, I’d take it from here” she said to the nurse who obviously had no intention of going futher and disrupting whatever grave discussion the medical geniuses were discussing.

The discussion was certainly animated and she watched them for some seconds as hands flew about in gestures and veins popped in necks.
After a while she opened the door and stepped in.

“What i’m saying to mister Macguiver is that I’m certainly capable to carry out the operation without affecting the spinal cord or the vetebrae-”
“That’s doctor Macguiver to you!”
“Are you sure you can remove the Bullet fragments without crippling him? I side with doctor Kevwe on this we should just clean it up and disinfect the entry point”
“That is utter rubbish, you heard the diagnosis Doctor Rilwan gave us, the infection would spread if we do not act immediately!”
“Well a second opinion won’t do any harm!”
“Are you questioning my diagnosis?” Doctor Rasheed boomed. For a little man he had a loud voice.

Tonye observed the circus for some minutes then she approached doctor Rasheed.
He saw her and jumped to his feet. He slapped his palm on his forehead. “Oh my God…I totally forgot, gentlemen I have to go”
The hall had fallen silent as the doctors all watched Tonye.

She turned and followed the doctor to the door without a word. Somebody whistled.
“Hey, Rilwan introduce us to your friend”
“I’m sure she carries you up when you kiss her”
She closed the door and closed out the annoying sound of hysterical laughter. “Jeez, your colleagues are pigs” she said
“You have no idea, where’s Rex?”
“He went on an errand, what were you people arguing about?”
“Oh…twice a week we gather to discuss critical cases that
require surgery and decide the best course of action, from a medical point of view that is”
“They don’t seem to get along very well” she said

He waved a hand “of course, there are men who like to play God, perform surgeries and take risk as if they could do no wrong, then there are…..pardon my language, pussies, the ones who would still hesitate to perform an ordinary c-section even if it was the last hope for a woman in labour”
“So which do you fall under?” She asked. The doctor must have taken a short cut cause they were already outside and heading to the diagnostic building.
“I’d say I fall somewhere in the middle. Where’s Rex? I gave him my keys and I’d need it”

“He’ll soon be back, what we need now is to run the DNA test”
“Sure where is the sample”
“Its in your lab already”


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The Hole In The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 27

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