The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 23

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 23


After Bami and Tonye left with Rex, Andy found himself studying the doctor in training. She felt his scrutiny and glanced up “why don’t you sit down” she pointed to the stool Tonye had vacated. She didn’t seem to be so busy this time around and she rested her chin on her palm and leaned in as Andy settled down gratefully. His legs were killing him!
“What was all that flurry of activity with your friends?” She asked playfully
“Ooh..that’s nothing, if you want to see activity you should stick around” he evaded the question smoothly and winked and was pleased when she laughed.

She was definitely pretty and he was definitely interested..

“So really what part of medicine is your speciality” he asked
She looked at him from low eyelashes innocently yet she had a knowing smile on her lips as if knowing the effect she had on him.

“My dad died when I was thirteen…just a routine appendix surgery yet it took his life..ever since then I’ve had the yearning to be a surgeon” she laughed a bit embarrassed “but right now I’m just focused on getting to be a doctor first”
Andy found himself clasping her hand on the table “your father would be proud of you” he said softly.

She nodded then stared into his eyes. “What about you…what do you do, tell me about yourself” she asked eagerly and for a second Andy wondered if she really hadn’t seen the badge on his belt. He gave a mental shrug, it wasn’t like they were undercover….
“I’m a detective” he told her proudly and she seemed really impressed
“No way” the nurse named Christie said with huge eyes. She placed her free hand on Andy’s “what kind of detective?”

Andy thought: what the hell, he wasn’t going to tell her any classified stuff so what was the harm in talking with her?

“I’m a private detective.. me and my friends…we’re one of the best”
“Wow..” She seemed really impressed and Andy wanted to impress her more but they heard footsteps and Tonye entered the cooler still in her hand.

“Rex is gone?” Andy said, sitting up immediately and retrieving his hands.
“Yea..him and Bami…Christie how long do we have to wait for the doctor..can’t you call him?”

“He doesn’t receive any call when he goes to the hospital..he’s always in meetings with surgeons ad doctors…it is considered a great disrespect if your phone so much as rings” the medical student replied. She flipped the pages of her notepad then settled on a page around the back. She wrote something on it. “But he should be here any moment…I’m sure something held him up”

But Tonye was hardly listening. She said to Andy “you’re not even a gentleman, you can’t offer me the chair to sit”
“Andy only smiled but didn’t give up the stool. Instead he turned to his new friend ” that reminds me..what’s up with having just two stools in this big lab?”

She laughed as she tore a page from her notepad and began to fold it carefully. “Dr Rilwan said he wanted to discourage anybody from staying here longer than necessary.” She stood up and brushed against Andy just slightly dropping the paper in his lap. “You can have this stool..I know where to get another” she said to Tonye then left the lab.

Tonye watched her leave “she’s such a nice girl….” Then she frowned “remember its the nice ones you have to be wary of” she said thoughtfully.

“Relax…I’ve been profiling her, she’s clean” Andy said. He glanced at the paper he had carefully unfolded and it took a great deal of self control to keep his expression normal and his face impassive when the excitement was drumming in his ears. Written nicely on the paper were numbers, eleven digits in total followed by the words: ‘call me’

True every thing is a blessing depending on the angles and I remember the very first story I tried writing back in ’11 about a young pastor and his crew that are sent to a town village controlled by a powerful and diabolical chief, it was going good or so I thought until my system just crashed out of the blue and I lost every data when it was wiped. it took me 6 years and a chance stumble on nairaland lit section after a Kendrick Lamar vs j.Cole Google search had previously brought me across the forum. Then I just thought why not try write something with the aura of indifference and I’d like to think I was and will be able to refine the initial lost story into the okrika wearing devil and i know it wldnt have happened if i hadnt lost the premature blueprint then. now, it doesn’t matter if my fingers are typing on a keyboard or a soft calibrated screen or gripping a bic biro cos it the words don’t originate from the hands…its not a gifted hands scenerio but the imaginative ‘release’ of a highly sapio. the picture is already painted in my mind the task is to convey the picture to paper and like someone said I got the database, y’all should see me grinning from ear to ear as I work on filling up a long note with more and more paintings. what once took me 6 yrs didn’t even take me up to 6 days hehe..

for sticking with the story Jah bless you more, the best part of writing (in myy perspective) is filling the words ‘the end’ tho I dont know when that would happen I know you guys are a gud lit family.

oh and oroolorun I would have slapped myself 3 times but it was done thoroughly for me already..more than 3 self!

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