In the billionaire’s bed - Season 1 - Episode 48

Episode 4 years ago

In the billionaire’s bed - Season 1 - Episode 48

Rebecca’s pov

I closed the door gently behind me, turning to see Emeliano completely shirtless, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his hands slightly griping his hair like he was trying to block out whatever thoughts that were penetrating into his head.

I felt this jolt in my stomach, seeing Emeliano shirtless was not part of my plan, how am I supposed to interrogate him if he is oblivious to the torment his half Unclad body was giving me.

I let out a shaky breath, walking towards him. He looked really vulnerable. How much did he have to drink? Why did he even drink so much knowing fully well that he couldn’t control it.
“Emeliano?” I called.
“Hm.” He mumbled, hesitating before staring up at me.

“Are you- you okay?” I was actually asking to make sure he wasn’t feeling so sick… I must get some answers from him.
“Do I look okay to you?” He asked, managing to stand up, I s----d in a large amount of air, when my eyes fell to his well sculptured chest and torso, he was towering over me and I was feeling rather uneasy.

He wasn’t touching me but his intense gaze was really doing wonders to my reserve and

“C-can you tell me what happened?” I asked him.
He scrunched his brows and lifted his hand, brushing my hair out of my face with a smirk on his lips, I felt tingles where ever his fingers grazed.

I could perceive the alcohol from his breath, it was supposed to make me feel weird, but instead, it made me feel hot.
“Where do I start?” He mumbled. “You know…” He made a cute hiccup sound before he continued… “I used to- used to love your sister so much, I used to love her so much that it hurt… I would have given my life for her if need be. But thank God that situation never came up, or else I’d be turning in my dark grave.” He chuckled, mumbling something that sounded like, are graves dark? Whatever…
“What happened?” I asked him.
His eyes snapped to mine, making me feel scared for some seconds.

I didn’t think he was going to say anything, but when he spoke, I knew I was heading to the right part.
“Marcos happened… He took her from me, at least that was what I thought- not until she betrayed me, she told me things that I never thought I would ever hear, she told me to my face that she never did love me… It was really unfair you know.” He said, taking a step closer which actually made me take a step back subconsciously.

“How did you find out? What did she do to make you feel betrayed?”
“April-” He stopped, as if realizing that he was talking to me. “Nice try, do you think I’d fall for this? Come on… I drove alllll the way back home without a scratch to my vehicle and myself, do you really think that I lose all my senses when I get drunk? I take it back, you’re not smart-” he smirked. “You’re stupid.”
Dang it… I guess it’s time for plan B… Annoy him.

“I’m not stupid, you’re the one who’s stupid… How could you let yourself get so drunk? Are you that irresponsible? Even Marcos would know better-”

I paused when I noticed his eyes go all dark mode… He began to close the space between us but I was quick to move back, not until my back hit a table.

My heart beat increased it’s pace when he finally stood dangerously close to me.
“If you like Marcos so much, why don’t you just go Bleep him… That is if you haven’t already… Have you?”

I scoffed. “So what if I have? I would rather give myself to that man than to you… You’re such a rude narcissistic b-----d.”
His jaw clenched. “I should have known you were just like her! A LovePeddler, a s--t who only goes after rich guys like me Just for money, no wonder you didn’t try to escape… You wanted to trick me huh? To get my money? Is that all you want? I should have known, no wonder you were hell bent on talking to Marcos, you knew your s--t game wouldn’t work on me, so you were trying to pin Marcos down… I was right, you’re just a cheap s--t who would sell her body for money… But don’t worry, I’ll pay you a large amount for a good fu-”

My palms connected with his cheeks, making my hand sting a little. “You might be drunk, but you have no right to say these things to me… I’m not a s--t, and neither am I here for your pathetic money!” My eyes burned with tears but I refused to let them fall, Emeliano just stood there staring at me like a lost puppy, I could actually care less right now.
“You think I want to be here? You think that I’m comfortable in this hell hole you call a mansion? I didn’t ask for any of this- you were the one who forced me into this house! I never asked you kidnap me, did I? I was
beginning to think that you were different, I can’t even believe I was actually worried about you?!”

This wasn’t part of the plan, but hell- whatever works right? I needed to let these things out, I was really hurt by his words,
really hurt. I actually didn’t care if all this ruin my plans, I can make out something else, but right now, I needed to go far away from him before finally lose my temper.

“I have a life Emeliano, a job, a mom who is probably worried sick about me! I have bills to settle, I have a boyfriend to go back too- I didn’t just fall from heaven into your arms awaiting my punishment! You took me in for something my dad or sister did to you! I know nothing about it! I don’t want your money, neither do I even want to look at you right now!” I pushed pass him but he took hold of my arms and pulled me back to him.
“Let go of me!!!” I fought him off but he didn’t budge.

“I’m sorry,” he choked out… “I didn’t mean to say those things… I actually wanted you to hit me… I needed it, but it didn’t work, it only made me feel more guilty.” He said, trying to make me stop fighting him.
Did he really expect me to believe that?What am I, a fool?

“Let go of my arms Emeliano!” I tried pushing him away, and when I succeed, he grabbed me again before I could rush out.
“Please listen to me… I really didn’t mean to say those things… I just wanted to get a reaction out of you… I swear I didn’t mean it- stop- fighting me off.”

I managed to get out of his grip again, but this time, he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me to the wall. “Can you just hear me out for one second?!” He yelled this time expecting me to stop fighting him off, but I continued hitting his bare chest.

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In The Billionaire’s Bed - Season 1 - Episode 47

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In The Billionaire’s Bed - Season 1 - Episode 49

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