Must Read: How 3 Girls Fought Over 1 Guy (A Tale)

Episode 7 years ago

Must Read: How 3 Girls Fought Over 1 Guy (A Tale)

David opened the door and uZuma came inside, she looked at both of them, said hi to mercy and went to sit on the same chair that David and mercy just screwed each other on. The only sign that something had happened Earlier in the room is the small towel David had used to clean himself up after the encounter with mercy, it is presently under the table and I don’t think uzoma noticed it.

David excused himself, said he wanted to excort mercy and he will be back soon. I also wanted to leave cus my legs are killing me, just wanted uzoma to shift to the bed so that she wunt see the door and us leaving.

David came into the room and both of them sat on the bed, this gave us an opportunity to leave, would have loved to watch what happened next , but since David will give details later, why kill yourself in the locker.

midnight, all the boys where back in the room, playing football on ps2 turn by Turn and asking David bout u zoma. David said she came to accuse him of not being a true boyfriend , that he does not want to settle their fight by coming to her himself only for him to be sending his friends and her friends to her.

well David did try to talk to her and she enbarraseed him in her hostel , thus he did not go back again, he also told her he did not send any of her friends to her, this got u zoma to ask him what mercy was doing in the room with him and why she had been coming to her to settle her fight with him. David did not answer, but for my mind I said ” this girl no know anything, mercy has collected her boyfriend.”
well uzoma was not that dense , she suspected something, so as she left David’s room , she went to mercy’s hostel to get more info. mercy did not tell her anything , so before she left, she dropped a bombshell. she thanked mercy for trying to make her forgive David and she has done so, that she and David are now back together, in fact he was all over her when she came to his place.

This story of u zoma’s visit to mercy was told directly to me by mercy the next day as mercy was also on a fact finding mission on what is the present status between David and u zoma.
she said the encounter was embarrassing as she was just telling her two best friends that she is in love with David, they(the friends) where just looking at the two of them smiling at each other, telling each other “all is well”, but knowing fully well that a civil war is about to break out and as girls, they are very ready to supply weapons.

For the next two weeks, no s*X between mercy and David, they met and david kept telling her he is not dating u zoma, but their was lots of S£x, though not as frequent as first semester, between u zoma and David.
well the civil war was declared on one faithful sunday, u zoma usually goes home every weekend, but mercy and David do not. she decided to visit David that afternoon, I was in the room when she came, so I left .
2 hours later, David knock on my room door, ” casala Don burst o”, I go buy bread for mercy I come see u zoma dey climb stairs go up” he said , I told him probably she is going somewhere else, he just looked at me like say “shey ya head correct so”, of cus she is going to the room.

He had bribed the potter to allow mercy into the hostel earlier than 4pm and they had been banging all afternoon, I told him the best thing is to go back into the room , both of them might start fighting and If them break ade’s TV and ps2, na you go pay o!.

He said they will be civil, I told him there is no civility when it comes to women and matters of the heart, women who say they will never fight other women over boyfriend are liars, they will injure each other over boyfriend they really like!.

so we decided to both go upstairs and witness the clash between an IgBo girl (uzoma) and a Benin girl(mercy) and it was epic!(though not in the way we expected).

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