Must Read: Campus Dilema (18 ) - Season 2 - Episode 42

Episode 6 years ago

Must Read: Campus Dilema (18 ) - Season 2 - Episode 42


I woke up late in the morning, around 10am.
Stretching and yawning, I went to the bathroom to perform my morning rituals. Done with it, I headed to the kitchen. I was feeling very famished and needed something to placate the worms. I had an unusual craving for something fried that morning so
I opted for fried yam with egg.

It didn’t take me long to get breakfast ready, I dished it out with a tray and made beverage drink to go with it.

After setting it out, I carried it into the
room and la!d it beside the bed. I bent down and kissed her forehead which made her stir. She opened her eyes and winced shutting them back.

I kissed her eyes gently while she purred circling her hand around my head.

“Wakie! Wakie, food is ready.”
I whispered into her ears.

She yawned and stretched slowly opening her eyes.

“Good morning baby”
she said with a smile.

“What happened to son?”
“No, not now. You are baby this morning”
she replied sitting up from the bed.

“Ok let’s eat mum”
I said bringing the tray up to the bed.

“Aww! Just what I had in mind for breakfast.

What did I do not to have you? Shania you are a lucky girl”
she said making a face.

“Hey! It’s breakfast time, so let’s eat.”

I said the grace before meal much to her
astonishment as we dug into the food. After the meal, she made to clear the dishes which I declined and packed the dishes to the kitchen.I came back to join her in the bed.

We got talking and a little while later we were smooching which led to another
round of hot S£x.


It was already some minutes past 12 pm when I opened my door for the first time that morning.

The first sight that greeted me were my new neighbors doing some laundry already. We exchanged pleasantries before I went back in to get some cloths which I needed to wash.
Precious was on the bed clad only on her undies sleeping.

After gathering my cloths into a bucket, I took them outside to wash as I didn’t want to disturb Precious and her sleep.

I was already rinsing my clothes when my phone started ringing inside the room.

I was ready to ignore it only for Precious wearing just my shirt stepped out with the phone and handed it over to me.

Shania was on the line. Previously I had called
her twice but got no answer. As I collected the
phone from Precious, she bent and started rinsing the clothes while I talked with Shania. I saw the two Yoruba girls stealing glances at Precious intermittently. They must have felt intimidated or more so trying to get a full glimpse of the screamer.

I noticed the fair one whom I later
realized her name to be Funke murmuring
something to her mate Niyola.

I had talked at length with Shania and in the
process she had told me that they went clubbing with the same guy who dropped her off the day I came back. I was tempted to get mad but surprisingly I got myself under control.

When she had rang off, Precious was already done rinsing the clothes and washed the bucket.

From my position behind her I could see half of her bum and I knew for sure that the other girls were seeing that too.

After I dropped the call, I walked to her
and pinched her bum as she winced turning around to hit me back.

“Your assets are all at display” I said holding her waist as we played lovey dovey outside.

“Yea I know cuz I want these girls to know that this space is booked. Shania will thank me later for this”
she replied smiling.

I gathered her face and kissed her while she
laughed drawing the girls’ attention to us. After we had enough fun outside, we went back inside.

“C’mon, why is there no electronics in your house?”

she asked as we got inside.

“I have my laptop or is that not enough?”

“I am talking about television and sound system.”

“That one, I will think about that later, it’s not my priority for now.”

she asked holding my gaze.”

“ Because I will do that when I set my mind to do it.”

“And what about your fridge?”

“Sold it in school, wouldn’t have carried it down here.”

“So you sold the fridge and couldn’t give me a part from the money?”

“C’mon, not like you would have collected it if I gave you.”

“Who told you that I wouldn’t collect? Me wey don go broke.”

“Aye! Aye! Captain”
I replied why she made to hit me as I dodged her fist.

We played till she got exhausted and surrendered.

Later, we went to the market and bought things needed to make stew and soup with. She made stew and soup before leaving the following day being Sunday.

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Must Read: Campus Dilema (18 ) - Season 2 - Episode 41

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