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Story: Brouhaha In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 - Episode 3

Episode 4 years ago

Story: Brouhaha In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 - Episode 3

The Redemption

“Leave us” she commanded her girls, they tie my hands together and then they push me to one of the chairs,

“Are you sure you will be okay alone with him?” One of the girls ask.

“I will be, there’s nothing he can do afterall am his lover too” she said to them and they all walk away.

I was sitting in one of the sofa chairs with my hands tied to my back.

“Where’s Edna?” I ask.
“relax, she’s fine for now, you know the kind of love you have for Edna is the one I hoped you will have for me, seeing you here trying to save her makes me angry more and more, that’s why am going to kill her so that I will watch you suffer the way I did for so long”.

“You were gone for so long, how do you expect me to know you were alive, after all I never loved you, you just took advantage of my fragile heart, I was young and stupid and you used that as an advantage” I said.
“If I recall correctly I did save your live countless times, infact saving your life is what put me in that position, you never find out if I was really dead”

“Tina look, am sorry for everything, I know I hurt you so for that am sorry, but you cannot kill Edna just to get back at me, it is not right”
“Everything we have been doing from the beginning, does any of them feel right to you? Now that you are going to have a child now you are a change person, waoh interesting” she said with hands akimbo pouncing round the room.

We continue our discussion, she took wine from the fridge and started drinking.

She walk to where I was sitting, “you know I have missed you alot, your face, your touch and even your sex” she said as she sat close to me and started touching the hairs on my chest.

“I know what you are trying to do it will not work?” I said.

“Really? if i know you well your d!ckson never say no even the midst of war” she said and started robbing me.

“Stop it”
“Quiet, you are in no position to talk” she said and continue touching my chest, of course I know my d!ckson will not respect me this time, she put inside inside my trouser and smile.

She got up and remove her dress completely, she remove my zip and bring my hard rock out, I just sat there watching her as she sat ontop me and started fvcking me, there’s nothing I can do anyway, my hands are tied to the back, even if I manage to defeat her in here I will face twenty more men in the front gate, so its better I play along.

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Story: Brouhaha In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 - Episode 2

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