Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

Episode 8 years ago

Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

I took 5-6 spoons of spag and that was it. I wasn’t really hungry that evening. Deola’s delicacy had filled up my little tummy. I cooked the spag for Cynthia actually but lest she cry foul or complain that I don’t wanna eat, I ate with her; howbeit, a little.

I stood up form where we were eating and went to the balcony. I really don’t know what took me there or the purpose. I just realised I left the sitting room for the balcony alone, while Cynthia continued to eat. I felt the need to chat with Deola and ask if she really meant what she said about me coming to see her tomorrow. I checked my pocket, front and back, but there was no phone in my pocket. I realized I had left it on the chair while eating. Chai! I’ve got so many exhibits on that phone ooo: Ini’s messages and replies, Deola’s messages and replies… Make I act fast now o before this NCC Staff (Cynthia) begin search my phone for exhibits.

Me: Hey baby, have you seen my phone?

Cynthia: Yes…and thank you for the security code. You no want make I see your girlfriend’s chats abi?

Me: Haba? You no trust me ni? I will give you the phone after using it so you can check.

Cynthia: I no need am abeg. If dem like make them be 90 or 200, none of them can deny me my right.

Me: You are funny o. Where you see 200 girls now?

Cynthia: I am just saying no ni.

I took the phone from her, first to chat with Deola, whose name I saved as Gilgad; then a text message to my queen, whose name I saved as Chairman. Deola confirmed her stance, Ini maintained her calmness. After the necessary, I deleted all the chat histories and text messages that can implicate me on my phone. Also, I had the code removed from my phone so that Cynthia can have access to the phone if she wants to.

After the meal, Cynthia indicated her readiness to sleep. She went inside without even bothering to ask if I am coming right away or not. Probably she was pissed off for her lack of access to my phone when she needed it, or that the stress of that long travel had taken a toll on her. The time was just some few minutes past 9pm now. For me, that is too early to sleep, especially when I am not going to any work the following day. I continued my film, 24, Season 5 atleast for the next 1 or 2 hours before joining Cynthia on bed. So when it was some few minutes before 11pm, I went to bed after having a little shower.

*3am, on bed with Cynthia.

I was in my boxers alone when I went to bed. Cynthia had slept with that her see-through night gown. She spread herself on the bed like someone compelled to fill up the bed space. That kind of position opened up everything there is to be seen in a woman. Since she slept with no pant, her p***y was there in the open and available for questioning and thorough inspection. At the sight of Cynthia’s coochie, I became weak, vulnerable and unstable. Sleep no gree catch me again; no, not with what was on display that night.

Softly and silently, I untie the rope on Cynthia’s gown. This made everything come out in full view: bossoms said ‘hi’ and her coochie responded, ‘welcome.’ I removed my boxer quietly for easy, free and fair penetration, when the time comes for it. I moved my fingers slowly and s£nsu@lly on Cynthia’s Kitty-Cat. I started from her legs all the way up to her choco city and further up to her mammalian gland. She was too tired, weak and far asleep to respond to any stimuli that moment. I thought of what I can do to bring her to the consciousness of what is going on that moment: why not give a head? Good option! Head it is.

I rolled myself over Cynthia and moved slowly down south. I connect my tongue to her coochie and started brushing. Wherever she was in her dreams that night, Cynthia came back rushing to earth when my tongue moved in and out of her.

Cynthia: Arrrgghhhh! Shhhhh. Femi please.

Me: Lay still.

I continued working on the coochie with my tongue for few more minutes. I thought about doing the oil massage again but I guess it is too late for that. I didn’t take me long though to deposit my weapon in her armoury.

Cynthia: Do it faster…faster please.

I increased the tempo according to her plea. It was a serious pounding. I maintained the speed all through the exercise as if I was on drugs. Her m0an!ng became heavier and heavier. She held my butt0ckz and pressed it against hers, moving in sync with each penetration. Then suddenly, like a woman who was delivered from demonic possession, Cynthia screamed and climaxed. I thought she was satisfied; so, I slowed the tempo a little so that she can regroup.

Cynthia: Don’t stop please. Faster…

I obliged. I returned to the fast pace strategy synonymous to Arsenal Football Club during the Invincibles Era, Season 2003-2004. I was fast, precise and accurate with so much cutting edge and technique. She rolled me over and came on top of me with such a vigour attributed to Serena Williams. She rode me until we both exploded; first me, and then Cynthia.

We slept like like babies

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