Valentine Blues - Season 1 - Episode 81

Episode 4 years ago

Valentine Blues - Season 1 - Episode 81


”What do you want Anna, i know you love him, why are you here?” he stares at her.
”Because, i want to make things right’
”How? I mean it’s all messed up, this was not the plan i had in mind for both of us, it wasn’t at all”
She nods ”I know, i messed up, ..Daniel stuff”
”Yeah Daniel, whom you love”
”I cannot deny that fact, i do love him and most people aren’t are strong as you are, look you are obviously over your ex i can see that but people love differently, and i am probably part of the weird ones who loves deeper and although he hurt me, i love him”
”Then why are you here, you should be telling him that Anna, not me” he says turning away, she touches his face and then turns him to her
”I am sorry Darren, really i am and if i could go back in time to change this all i would”
He shakes his head removing her hand ”No, i wouldn’t, because unlike that Natalia was saying, i have no regrets meeting you Anna, my only regret is that i should have met you when you were all healed from your pain, maybe we would have had a chance”
She sighs ”I wanted this, that’s why i said yes and …Daniel kissing me-”
”Twice!” He thins his lips.
”Twice, ” she says sadly ”Was not planned and be realizing that i still loved him was never in the books and-”’
”Its enough Anna, lets not dwell on that, his name makes my blood boil. I am exhausted and all Anna, really i need to rest”
”But we are still talking and i want to tell you all that i told Daniel in the room and-”
”I don’t want to hear it though, it doesn’t change anything”
”Darren, i am trying to make things right here”

”By telling me you love your ex, how does that work actually? It doesn’t.”
”But if you would just please hear me out and-”
”No Anna, i really do not-” he pauses for a brief second, holding his chest, then he shakes his head
”What’s wrong?”
”Okay Darren, if you would not listen to what i have to- oh dear Lord” she breaths touching her chest too.
”You okay?” He has a worried look on his face as he watches her.
”Wow, must be the ship, did it turn or climbed the tide? Or i just suddenly felt seasick”
Darren looks towards the window, ”Maybe, you and me both” he says and then turns back to her.
”Look all i want to do is make things right, i am so sorry for hurting you, albeit unintentionally”
”Look it’s fine Anna, really, i think all the anger and all that is gone.”
”I know we can’t be the way we are anymore, but atleast we can i don’t know…”
He stares at her, waiting for her to continue.
”Can we start all over, please” she whispers
”Do you want to start all over to date me or start all over to be friends Anna?”
”I..friends..and we go on from there and see how it goes and…i…we were getting somewhere and …i..we can..erm..lets just start all over Darren” She stutters.
Darren smiles as he pulls her closer to him and then brings his head closer to hers ”Anna-” he breaths, she closes her eyes and breaths him in..
”Do you even know what you want Anna?”
”What do you want right now?”
”I want..-”
”Think carefully Anna, because everything you say right now depends on this moment, think carefully and honestly..what do you want, what would make you so happy right now..what, who and why?”
Daniel, to love me as insanely as i love him, to have him marry me and me to be the mother of his kids as i have always dreamed.
To be happy..
That had been my thoughts for over three years . For now…my thoughts are all jumbled up.

”I have always been inlove with him as long as i can remember, and i won’t lie Darren..i wont. I want happiness, but i want happiness free of pain, stress and of confusion. I just want to be happy, that is what i have craved for so long.”
”So in order words; you do not know what you want , because if you really did want happiness, you would go for it..but what do you define as happiness, is it Daniel? A man whom you love, or is it me, a man whom you are just getting to know?”
”I ..Darren, we are wired differently..and..i know you loved Natalia strongly , do you not really feel anything seeing her again?” She searches his eyes
”Maybe we are wired differently Anna, and maybe i had reached my breaking point and i had to ask myself, do i let a girl hurt me as she did, do i linger in the pain of unhappiness, do i still let them in, or do i chase the light before my eyes and see where it leads?”
He stares at her tucking a hair behind her ear and caressing her soft cheeks ”I choose the light before my eyes, but i guess it still prefers the darkness that shields it” he looks at her sadly ”And i do not blame you, nor am i angry with you Anna, i should have..i don’t know” he drops his hands ”Tread carefully before..” he trails off ,
Falling inlove with a broken bird who isn’t ready to let me mend her to health but choosing to go by the glass who broke her in the first place.
He says to himself.
”Before what?” She inquires
”I want this, i want us, i want you, but..i have to see beyond my feelings and put you first”
”What does that mean?” She asks
”It means that until you completely sort yourself out i would not go on. I know what you want and who you want, you would be lying to yourself, to me and then to people around you if you choose to ignore it. You know something else, it’s fine, everyone had loved one so deeply before, so if you need time to heal, you take it, but do not drag someone else into your won’t be fair, not to me, not to you..not to anyone.”
”But i never knew i had a chaos, he walked in today and poof!!”‘
”Yes, so you need to sort you out Anna, as much as i like you a whole d--n much, i would put my feelings aside for your happiness and if your happiness is Daniel and you think you both can work, married man or’s okay, i won’t judge, it’s your choice. If its me, i am right here, if your happiness is somewhere else too..then it’s great, go find it. You deserve to be happy, and i also deserve to be happy and my happiness lies in the fact that if i am 100% all in, it means she brings same value to the table because i do not share, i don’t know how to pretend and do all that, maybe i am weird too and wired differently. That’s just me and if i am not it for you, its okay, preferences for everyone but God knows i would not shove my feelings for you down your throat and force you to to have me just because i want this..i want us, you have to want it too, wholeheartedly without influences, without bias and of your own free will. And if you have doubts, walk away. ”

She closes her eyes, he was right. Her mind was messed up right now, it was in a chaotic mess.

He smiles sadly seeing that if he fights, he would only hurt himself, she has to un-love the one she loved or stop loving him before he can ever mean anything as important to her, and he is willing to give her all that and more…yes, he had fallen for her, all those times they spent together, all the laughter, the dates, her smile, slowly he had fallen inlove with her, he didn’t realize it until this very moment. His chest hurts, realizing that for the second time this year, he was going to lost the women he loved , Natalia, he loved her yes and it shattered him, he loved her a long time so it was understandable but Annalisa, nothing made sense and yet..she brings him peace, falling inlove with her had come naturally without the influences, maybe that’s why this hurts so much, having to let her go… ”I hope you do find your peace and happiness Anna, i do. God i am so gonna miss you, i will”

”I am so sorry Darren” She blinks back tears
He held her face and then caresses her cheeks again, wiping her tears ”I am sorry i didn’t get to give you butterflies, that was my aim, to make you soar” he smiled
”I would have liked that, i would have liked that alot”

”Yes, you would have…” she smiles at him. They stare at each other, his hands still touched her cheeks.

Staring into her eyes, he says ”I never was able to get my first kiss as your boyfriend, maybe..i could get the last?”

She nods, another tear breaks out from her eyes ”I am so sorry” She sniffs as pain shoots through her.
He cleans it ”Don’t be, you loved, there is no wrong in that…i will miss you Anna..” he says before he closes in and brushes his lips with hers, lingering as she kisses him back, drinking from her lips, and caressing her cheeks..


His heart screamed, he shuts it out of his head and then kisses her deeply for a long time they kissed, and he held himself back from wanting more, pushing her backwards and making sweet love to her. He wanted to so bad, but he refused to let the feeling in.
He was and is in love with her, but love is not about is never about sex. Love is so much more, so much more that his heart was full of it..and it had nothing to do with wanting her soft lush body beneath him. Love is never about Sex. Love was love, raw, un-diluted, without selfishness, void of is a gift..a gift he was willingly and happy to share.

But love hurts like a mudafxxker stung with bee.

He slowly pulls away and then placing a kiss to her temple and then standing up and lifting her with him, he pulls her into a hug, she cries in his arms ”I am so sorry Darren, i…i am so sorry!!”

”It’s okay, it’s okay!! I would be here for you, when you need me, look we still have two more days on this ship so we are going to forget everything and then enjoy ourselves okay..that’s all that matters” he pulls her away and then places a kiss to her forehead again, then he walks her to the door ”Sleep well Anna, i will see you in the morning”

”Promise” he touches her jaw.
She wipes her eyes and then leaves. He shuts his door, goes to the bed and then sinks in, turning to his side he lets the tear drop. He wipes it immediately and turns away.
”Big boys don’t cry!” he sniffs ”Breathe Darren, one day at a time, it would pass”
Anna closes her door behind her and stares at the bed.

Lucy was snoring peacefully. She goes to the bed, climbs in, covers herself and tries to sleep. She doesn’t for a long time, then she finally closes her eyes and goes to sleep.


Darren gets up and stares at the window, he opens his bag, grabs a jotter and a pen and begins to scribble on it. He folds it under his pillow and then takes his phone after looking at his time.

It takes a while before the call was picked..

”Hello Sir, i am so sorry to be calling this late and..yes i am so sorry. I wanted to tell you that, i have taught about that offer, and..i would take it. Yes Sir” He smile ”First thing, thank you Sir, thank you” He cuts the call and then rests backwards on his bed.

He finally goes to sleep.


”No!! No ! No, get back in there, get back in there you..argh no!! you saw it Gabriel, i used all of it, all of it and it should have worked, it should work. it went straight to her heart and then his and they felt it, the power of lover surging through their veins…so why aren’t they smooching and making love and getting back to it and…see come on,. go back Anna!! Darren go out and chase her, get up, get up!!” Cupid screams as he flings things away ”Where is my spell, i need to make more love portion spells, i need to make sure this is stronger and…”Damnit!!!” he grabs a bowl, and begins to mix anything and everything he could touch in his bag.

Gabriel comes to him ”Stop Cupid”

”Go away, go away and leave me alone” He empties its entire content and continues to fish out for spices and ingredients ”’Ha, lust, love, more of it” he tosses it into the bowl and then stares.


”I said leave me the hell alone, can’t you see i am trying to make them come back into the room and talk and love and…” he trails off turning away from Gabriel. He continues to mix and when he was done, he searches for his arrows. It was finished.

”Make me an Arrow Gabriel”
”I cannot!”
He turns to him, the bowl in his hands, ”Make me a Goddamned arrow!!!”‘ he sneers
Thunder rumbles and claps.

Cupid closes his eyes
”I need an Arrow Father” He says opening looking to the heavens
It was silent
”You want me to fail, you have always wanted me to fail, that’s it. No one is special to you except your beloved son Jesus! no one is as important as he is to you. He asks and you give, he calls and you answer, he is in danger and you send your other angel sons to go rescue him. What am i even yabbing about, he seats at the right side of your throne, even the earth you make his footstool…no one else has your ears and your treat …like a piece of s--t!!”

Thunder claps loudly, the cloud rolls and lightening strikes. Cupid screams as he his lifted and drops to the hard cloud with a thud as the clouds rolls back to place.

Gabriel shivers.. ”Be quiet Cupid!!”
Cupid wipes his mouth as spittle drops, he gets up groaning and rubbing his small butt. He sighs in relief realizing that the bowl he held was hovering and didn’t hit the ground. He grabs it to him and frowns..

”You are only mad at me for saying the truth, saying the truth that everyone is afraid to say just because they are scared of you” He sniffs ”And you do not want to give me arrows because you know that i am on the right track and that if i make them fall madly inlove and do my bidding i would be more powerful than you..maybe that is why you let Lucy go, because he was going to be bigger and greater and more loved than you”

Now Gabriel gasps, ”Cupid, no!” he shakes his head ”You no nothing about what Lucifer did”

”I know plenty, he was the light”
”No he was the light who chose darkness..and you are veering into that same hole and don’t call him Lucy”

Cupid scoffs ”What, Father gonna toss me and kick me out too? Why? Because all i wanted to do is to live up to my potential and he not giving me the chance to? At every point in time, he keeps whispering in my ears that i ain’t doing it right, if i need help if he should send poster boy Jesus to help me..Why won’ he allow me do my spells in peace instead of ruining it for me? See i got them together, i got them this far, i must have made a mistake in the formula and when the arrow pierced their hearts it didn’t work, i just need to increase the dosage and it would work..and all would be fine. Is that bloody too much to ask?” Is that?’ He looks to the heavens

”If only you listen when he speaks and-” Gabriel began.

”I am tired of listening, i want to do me, i want to let love happen, i want love to happen..i just bloody want LOVE TO HAPPEN TO THESE TWO AND SEX AND LOTS OF SEX AND BLOODY LOTS OF SMELLING A-S SEX!!!!”

Gabriel closes his ears. Everywhere is silent
”I want love to happen, that is all. And i would achieve it if i have my arrows and all would be well. You would see Father, i can do this, I am Cupid, cupid is love..let me do me”
He looks around. He sighs turning and backing Gabriel as he stares at the bowl and then stares down below..
Darren is asleep, his back turned to the heavens and the Annalisa is sideways turned to the wall of her room.
” I just need one, just one” He seats down sulking, tears leaving his eyes.

Suddenly he saw a movement inside his bag, he reaches for his bag and then fits his hand in, pulling it out he pulls out two arrows. He smiles and then looks up ”Thank you Father” He quickly stands up and soaks his arrows to the bowl, letting it soak it up. Placing both of them to his string, he speaks to it.

”Let love lead, let it happen, bring them lovebirds back to their feet and curse them to chase the love that was created by me” He lets it go and watches it sink below with glee..
”This time, this time it would work..just you see Father, this time, they would be jerked up by the force of those arrows , they would find themselves, they would love, they would be happy and i would win. i promise you i would win, watch father, just watch” he laughs happily..


The arrow sinks, hovering over Annalisa and drops, piercing her back with a quick t----t and then dissolving into nothingness..
He looks at the other side, sighting the other arrow making its way to Darren. Going through the door, sinking through the sheets over his body, it taps his back and slides through his body coming out through his heart.. then dissolves into nothingness.

Cupid is smiling widely.. ”Wait for it, they would jump up looking for each other, losing cloths, saying i love you, saying all manner of things and..oh…this would work, just wait. One, two..three…;” he rubs his hands together ”Oh, this would be an explosion of love ever been seen under the heavens ..can’t wait.

He lays on the bed of the clouds, crosses his legs and places his face in his hand” Wake up Darren! Wake up Anna, lets watch you both love….” he chuckles.

He looks again into Annalisa’s room.
She stretches and then turns, grabbing the cloth , covers herself and continues to sleep.
He stares at Darren.. He didn’t move.

”Wake up,the arrows have pierced you wit unmeasured love, wake up, don’t be shy beauties” Cupid says.

He looks back with light in his eyes as Annalisa moves.

Anna tugs at the duvet until Lucy yawns seating up ”What Anna?” She rubs her eyes.
”I want the Duvet!!” Annalisa says sleepily
Lucy rolls off and then pushes it to her, Anna grabs it ,then covers herself turning to the side, Lucy smiles shaking her head ”You never grow out of this..”

”Did you speak to Darren?” Lucy says with her eyes closed.

”And?’ She opens one eye and directs it to Annalisa
Anna sighs ”Tomorrow, so sleepy, hurts..can’;t talk” she turns to the other side and continues to sleep.

Lucy yawns and then lays back on the bed ”Tomorrow then, you would tell me in the morning”

”Yes!” Anna covers her face with the duvet and goes back to bed.

Cupid gets up and then seats down ”Get up Anna” he calls out.

Anna lays still, breathing peacefully.
”GET UP DARREN!” He turns to Darren
Darren yawns and the stretches out of the bed, he sleepily seats down, stands up and then makes his way to the door on his left, he opens it and then shuts it.

The sound of water dripping is heard, then the sound of the WC flushing, then Darren comes back, and goes through to this bed, hits it and then continues to sleep.

”No no no no!! Go out of your room to her room or call her back to yours Darren”
Darren is sleeping soundlessly.

Cupid is confused as he looks at the bowl and then back at the sleeping people ”Why aren’t they waking up Gabriel, why aren’t they waking up?” He turns to Gabriel who is staring at him ”I ..i..why aren’t they waking up?” He stares at them again.
Silence, sleeping and unperturbed about the little-man baby bothered about them and their love story and his failed formula. He scratches his head, waiting for them to get up and magic to happen.

After about thirty minutes, he finally realized that they were not getting up.

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