Valentine Blues - Season 1 - Episode 30

Episode 4 years ago

Valentine Blues - Season 1 - Episode 30

Her door bell goes off a few times the next day.

”Be right there, Ummph! Be right there!!!”‘ She screams pulling her bag down her stairs and then pulls it to the door.
It was 11: 40. It should be Darren.
She takes a minute to take a deep breathe, run her hands through her hair, took a quick peek at the mirror to make sure there wasn’t anything in her teeth. She had had a quick breakfast.

Nothing in her teeth. Good.

Her makeup was simple but good and she was wearing a blue shorts, and a flowery peplum blouse with sneakers. A hand bag was slashed over her shoulders.
Yes, she was good to go.

The bell rings again.
She reaches for the door and then opens it ”I am ready… I, whoaaaa” she steps back ”Who are you?”

A dashing man with the cutest smile is staring at her ”I am Adam” he says.
”Er… okay Adam, why are you ringing my bell, are you lost or I can help you with something?”

”Yes, my date!”
She raises an eyebrow ”Okay… your date?”
”Yes, my date, I have one, can you help me with that?”

”Sorry Adam, i do not understand. You want me to help you with your date?”
”Yes, for the boat cruise the entire city seems to be fighting to go to and only limited spaces available. So my date. I got us a free pass and tickets and all that!” he dips his hands into his pocket to show evidence of that, he looks at her with a smile ”It was tough getting these but I was lucky to get the last dish out. So, I came to pick up my date!”
”Okay” Annalisa touches her temple ”There must be a mistake, I do not know you Adam and I” she points at herself ”I already have a date, my boyfriend actually is my date and he would be here any second and he wouldn’t be too happy to see a stranger about to whisk his girlfriend away from him to a boat cruise he already planned for us both so… I thank you but no.”
He has confusion on his face as he shakes his head ”No, no… you are getting it wrong, my date, I came to pick up my date here and this is the house and you get me my date”
”Look, I just told you that-” she trails off as she heard it turning at the direction it was coming from.

”WHATTTT’S UPPPPPPPPPP BITCHESSSSSSSSS!!!!!” She screams from the window of the taxi that just pulled up and roars out with laughter with her hands doing the rock sign and her tongue sticking out ”WHAT’SSSSSSSSSSSSS UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!” she screams again.

”Oh goodness!! The crazy just arrived” Annalisa exclaimed. ”Sorry, er..Adam I think you should leave. Maybe you got the wrong address and stuff and- ” she trails off as her friend struggles with a larger bag than hers, and then rolls it on the ground and then makes her way to them running.
”What in the world, are you going to leave there Luce?” She points at the bag.
”A girl’s bag has the world in it; Shoes, cloths, glasses, condoms, vibrators, gum, underwear, pepper-spray, jeans, tops, magazines for boredom, cigarettes and-”
”But you don’t smoke, Vibrator, really?”
”Well, someone might need it, I am caring like that and yes Vibrator, I mean you see lovebirds left and right and center, you wouldn’t want to feel left out in the fun. Always go prepared in case the Mr doesn’t perform right. I got two just in case you need one”

”What, I think of my friends too” she chuckles. ”And oh, I was saying… I got a body bag in there too just in case we need to kill someone and toss him into the water, gangster style”
”That part is a joke right?”
”Of course silly. But look whose is talking, ” she peeks behind Annalisa ”Your bag is two inches less of mine. what do you have in there, a house?” She bursts out laughing.
”Not..quite, just girly stuff”
”Aha!!” Lucy points at her ”It’s a girl’s state of mine. Even when she is going to work, her bag has all kinds of things in it.”
The man named Adam is laughing, they both turn to him.
”Oh, Adam is it, you need to leave please..i don’t get why you are still standing here!” Anna says with a frown.
”Me, I came for my date, i can’t leave without her”
”But I am not your date!!!”
”I never said you were my date”
”But you said you came for your date and you are at my door and-”
”I never said you were my date” he repeats with a smile
”Yes he never said you were his date ” Lucy repeats
”You don’t know what he was saying when he got here and that he came for his date and all-” Annalisa turns to her friend.
”But I never said you were my date” Adam is laughing.

”Yes he didn’t!”
”So who is his date then?” Annalisa folds her hands and then c---s her head to the side as she pouts staring at Lucy ”Who is your date then?” she directs at Adam.
”She is” He points to Lucy.
”I am!!” Lucy smiles broadly.
Annalisa looks at both of them, they are nodding. She c---s her head to the side , they are nodding still.
”But why didn’t you say anything instead of allowing me rant?” she exclaims at Adam/
”I was enjoying the confusion on your face and it was her idea” he points to Luce who is snickering.
”Of course, the crazy person would do this.”
Lucy grabs Annalisa into a squashy hug ”Yes and she loves you so.”
”But where did you pick up this Adam from?”

”If I tell you I would have to kill you but he is a sexy beast isn’t he? I may not need that vibrator. Hehe!!” she releases her. ”But the great thing is that you got your side kick in this trip with you and it’s going to be mad fun. Speaking of fun, where is boy wonder. Don’t tell me he isn’t here yet?”
”It’s just-” She checks her time ”A minute past 12 and… oh there he is!” her eyes lits! up as a car pulls up.
”Hey Bitchessssssssssss!!!!” Tonia stands and then yells, Tom and Darren face-palms.
”Hey bitchessssssssss!!!!!!” Lucy hails back and runs off to the car as Tonia jumps down and they hug jumping around .
”Oh Good, we got two of them now” Annalisa places both hands to her cheeks.
Adam smiles ”Nice, two is great, the more the merrier, I like crazy people”
”Both of them would definitely be the death of us all. They are like kids, literally.”
”Stay young at heart, you won’t grow old” Adam offers.
Darren is working towards her, the smile reaching his eyes as he gets to her ”Hey babe” he gives her his hands, they connect and then he pulls her into a warm embrace.
”Hey, you look good”
”You look beautiful” he places a kiss to her temple and then stares at the man. ”Hi, I am Darren Bloom, and you are?”
”My date!!” Lucy appears behind him and pushes her head under his arm and then hugs him.
”Oh, of course.” Darren smiles ”You found an escapee for you huh?”
”Yes, and he is really too, and a hunk, see” She leaves Darren and goes to Adam and touches his chest and runs her hands through his chest and to his tummy.
”Hmm, I see”
”I am Adam!”‘ Adam gives him his hands and they shake, Tom is walking towards them with his wife dangling from his shoulders.
”Six is a perfect pair, so are we going to have fun or what huh? I am Tom by the way and this bag of rice on my shoulders is Tonia, my wife, come near her and I’ll kill you. But I am a nice man” He shakes Adam, Adam returns it.

”No intention of dying on a boat trip Tom, it’s Adam”
”Good man”
”Yay!! boat trip hear we come” Tonia squeals.
”Lets go!!” Tom turns around and heads back to the car. Tonia is dancing on his shoulders and cheering, Lucy joins her while Adam is enjoying their silliness.
Darren places his hands over her shoulders and they walk together to the car as he pulls her bag for her and puts it in the booth.
”What the hell do you have in here?”

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