The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 16

Episode 5 years ago

The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 16

Trust sat in front of his apartment eating bread and water. Suddenly, the compound gate slammed open forcefully. He turned to see Sunday with his ‘Ghana Must Go’ running towards him, then he also ran into the room with the fear of the unknown. But he finally came out making sure the bread wasn’t
with him again.
“Sunny, watin dey pursue u?” Trust asked with pigin English.
“Guy, hunger is pursuing me” Sunday pulled down his bag on one of the stairs.
“Hunger wants to kill me in the village”
“I thought you went to look for
“Dia what?!”
“My village doesn’t even have a dark forest not to talk of diamond” Sunny began bitterly. “Can u believe that i entered into one of our stupid forest with the hope of seeing ‘dia’ not to talk
of ‘mond’, a very big snake pursued me!” With the fear of the snake, Sunny grabbed his bag. Before he could run into the room, Trust was already there with the same fear.
Before the day ran out, Sandra had noticed Udoka and David together but remained mute. She had been receiving money seriously from her ‘Mugus’ thereby looking more classic. She sat in her car which moved towards the school gate with Kate inside lamenting bitterly.
“I saw that girl again today with David! What nonsense?! Is time i show her my real colours!”
Just as Sandra lamented, they sighted Udoka’s car coming from the opposite direction. Therefore she blocked her.
Udoka activated her car horn severally but there was no response. She was with the other three girls inside the car too.
“Who is this animal that is blocking us?” Adaku provoked.
Monica, who sat in the front seat looked at her sister, the driver, and said, “Take another roate”
Udoka wanted to do so but Sandra turned her stirring wheel towards the same direction. As they stared at the car, Sandra and Kate came out from it. Kate’s dressing and complexion could give her the name, ‘Black Witch.’ She doesn’t care or smile anyhow.
“So, Sandra is the one doing this. Who dashed her a car?” Adaku said again.
“Who’s that girl with her?” Faith asked fearfully.
“Her partner in crime of course” Adaku replied.
Udoka glanced at her sister. She opened the driver’s door likewise others and all came down. Nearby students kindly moved away from them after seeing their movements. Others, who were afar paid attention to see what
would happened. That wasn’t the first time such thing happened in the school and had always resulted to violence which was the last thing in Udoka’s mind following her mother’s advice.
“Sandra, why are you blocking my way?” Udoka asked standing a bit far from her.
Without replying, Sandra walked closer to her but Udoka never took a step backward rather stared at her unabashedly..
No one knew Sandra’s heart due to her tranquility towards Udoka’s inquisition, and non of them wanted to know especially Adaku who glared at her wanting to react but Faith restricted her knowing what she could do. Sandra jingled her car key and said, “You think you can be rich and at the same time flout my warning. I warned you to stay away from David but it seems you are a stubborn fly that will definitely follow the corpse to the grave”
“You are the fly!” Adaku shrieked from behind. “A stupid one for that matter!” she added trying to disengaged from Faith.
“Hey! Are you insulting me?!” Sandra wanted to get to Adaku but Udoka blocked her saying, “You dare not her!”
Sandra became woozy after hearing her spoke boldly. Therefore she stepped backward.
“I have respected you a lot” Udoka
began while Monica who stood beside her began to smile coz she knew her sister wanted to bring out her real colour. “That i keep quiet all this while doesn’t mean that I’m stupid. I have respected you enough and i can see you
don’t deserve it. So it’s time i teach you a lesson if u don’t mind your business”
“What?!” Sandra shouted. “You little rat!” she raised her hand to slap Udoka but she defended it and pushed her backward. Instantly, Adaku forcefully pushed forward to return the blocked slap but Faith didn’t allow her.
Before the day ran out, David and Sandra began their journey back to school. David had explained the to his sister the problem between him and Udoka and she advice him to go back to her and also make sure he brings her home for
her to see.

Sandra kept smiling inside the car as they were going back remembering all that Mrs Robinson said. David, who was
on the driver seat glanced at her and said, “What’s so amusing?”
“Your mum” Sandra replied.
“What about her?”
“Sorry, women discussion, i can’t tellyou”
“My mum said she knew and chatted with you before now. How come?” David queried.
“That was in your village” Sandra replied.
“What was the outcome?”
Both remained quiet.
“David, can we remain like this?” Sandra broke the silence. “I promise to be the good girl you want, please. I love you so much”
David glanced at her but kept quiet.


The day was getting dark when David got to his apartment. Mike and Ernest told him that Udoka looked for him. With the spirit, he rushed out to the twins resident.
The four girls were in the sittingroom when David entered then all stared at him…
David stood at the door looking at the four girls who where staring at him as if he was a stranger. All were in different dressing; Udoka wore a bumbshort and a singlet-like top. There was no footwear on her feet. One could see her toe-nails painted with white cortex. As the eye contact lingered, the other three girls excused themselves without a word then Udoka who was seating gradually stood up twisting her fingers. “David?” she called out feeling her heartbeat. David was the last person she expected to see but it came to her as a surprise.

“Udoka” David also called out. He moved forward standing before her. “I still love you and will always do. I’ve not been myself ever since you left regardless the
fact that i didn’t pick up your calls.
Please, have me back and forget about the consequences it might converge. I will protect and fight for your love to the last. You need not to be afraid of anything in as much as you have me and..”
“David” Udoka interrupted him with a warm hug. She held him tightly thereby amending her broken heart. Having someone whom she loved and took away her virginity back was the happiest moment in her life. Therefore, she said, “I will never leave u again”

David reciprocated with a smile. “Neither will i?” he said.
However, the three girls brought out their heads through the door of the room to know what was happening. When they saw David and Udoka in a hug posture, they smiled happily.

Udoka disengaged front David. She offered him a seat then also sat beside him. “How’s your sister, Ugonma?” she asked.

“She’s fine” David replied feeling guilty of not going with her as they planned. “Listen, i never planned to go home with Sandra, my mum did”
“Your mum?”
“Is okay” Udoka smiled. She didn’t want anything to ruin the happy moment for her, so she stood up. “Let me get you something to eat” she began to walk out but David’s voice interrupted the

“She wants to see u”
Udoka turned in amazement. “Who wants to see me? Your mother?”
“No, my sister. I told her about us” David replied.
“Really?” Udoka smiled broadly. “I can’t wait to see her too” she hurried into the kitchen.


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