The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 12

Episode 5 years ago

The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 12

At the resident of the twins, Monica, Faith and Adaku were in the sittingroom. Only Monica was standing. She regrated treating her sister the way she did. However, Faith had told them
Udoka’s story including the sex part.
“You know all this but u never bother to tell me!” Monica shrieked.
“There was no time for that” Faith

“You see ehn” Adaku stood up and
clapped her hands angrily. “If my hands don’t touch that girl, Sandra she won’t mind her business. Look at what she has caused. I must make sure i..” the sound of the door interrupted her. All looked at
the door to see Udoka sluggishly coming in. From her expression, one could deduce that she wasn’t happy. She flung her car key on the centre table. “Hi” she managed to say before entering into her room. None of the girls responded rather Faith and Adaku gave Monica a sign to go meet
her again.

Udoka was undressing facing the
wardrobe when Monica entered. She knew it was her but didn’t bother to look back.
“Udoka?” Monica called. She gently moved closer without Udoka responding. “I heard what happened and I’m sorry for the way i reacted” she finally met her from behind, yet Udoka didn’t turn but stood still reflecting on
how her relationship crashed. Therefore she began to shed tears again. Monica could hear her sniffing in tears so she gradually turned her around and embraced her which increased the rate of the tears. “Is okay” she consoled her.

“Monica, i don’t know what to do”
Udoka cried on her sister’s shoulder. She disengaged herself and said sadly as she walked to the bed, “The worst part of it is that David had gone to see her sick sister with Sandra which both of us planned to go together”

“You worry yourself too much about this David!” Monica sat beside her.
“You don’t know how i feel”
“You have to put yourself together” Monica began to dry her tears.


Ugonma, David’s sister had a fair
complexion, a bit fat and meek in heart. She doesn’t like to stress herself or want anything that would disturb her life. She was the gentle and emotional type. Already, before the operation took place, she nearly cried her eyes out. “Please, i want to see my brother David!!” she had cried before the operation. Now, she was at home lying in her room. One could see her scattered hair and a plaster on the appendix region. When she heard her brother’s voice from outside, she smiled. There was another female voice she heard which obviously
wasn’t her mother’s, so she wondered who that could be.

Outside the house after Sandra and David came down from the car, Mrs Robinson embraced them. She neglected David and concentrated on Sandra.

“My daughter, you look so big and rich these days”

“Thank you, ma’am” Sandra giggled.
“Where is Ugonma?” David asked.
“In her room” the mother replied. David entered leaving the two women to act their drama.

“By the way, whose car is this?” Mrs Robinson was still inquisitive.
“Is my friend’s, ma’am. Please, let’s
go and see…”

“Yes, Ugonma” Sandra walked in with her.

David gradually opened Ugonma’s room. Both looked at each other and smiled. It had been long they saw each other. David squat beside her and grabbed her hand.

“Thank God you are okay”
“Thank God i have seen you again” Ugonma sq££zed his hand tightly. “Don’t tell me you came empty handed oh”
“No, we didn’t” David replied.
“Yes, Sandra is coming with the stuffs”
“Who’s Sandra?”
Before David answered, Sandra walked in with two bags. Her shoes made simultaneous sound with her steps. Just then, David stood up then she stood beside him.
“She’s Sandra, my friend” David
“Welcome”Ugonma stared at her

“Thank you. We heard about your illness that’s why we came to visit” Sandra placed the bags beside the bed smiling. “They are for you” she added.
“Thank you very much” Ugonma smiled too.
David left both of them to his mother. He found her in the kitchen preparing lunch.
“Mum” David began. “Where is Dad?”
“He’s at work” The mother replied.
“Why did you tell me to come with Sandra, a girl u barely know?”
“Don’t be silly. I know her. We chatted the last time we met”

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The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 11

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The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 13

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