The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 10

Episode 5 years ago

The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 10

Adaku met Monica in the sittingroom where she was still shedding tears. She sat beside her gently and said, “I can’t believe you could fight your sister. Me, i
dey fight oh” she began with pigin English. “But i no fit see people wey dey fight then leave them. I must make sure i settle their matter. So please, no quarrel
with your sister again”

Monica said nothing but began to dry her tears.


“Hello, mother” Udoka sounded on the phone. “Mother, can i visit you?”
“Why not?” Mrs Williams asked
rhetorically. “Is everything alright?”
“I don’t think so, mother”
“Please, come and see me” the line went dead.

Udoka stood to dress up. “I’m going to see my mother” she told Faith.
“Good idea” Faith walked out.


David stood at the varander of his
apartment thinking critically on why his mother wanted him to come home with Sandra of all people. He wore a pair of jean trouser with only a singlet. As he thought critically, Mike came out.

“Guy, what’s the P”
David glanced at him. “I don’t know what my mum is up to”

“I planned to see my sick sister with Udoka whom i don’t even think i will still go with. But to my greatest surprise, my mum said that i should bring Sandra with me”

“What a world?” Mike smiled. “Just listen to your mum first” he patted his back and went back to the room.



Adaku and Faith had gone to lectures leaving the twins at home. As Udoka was preparing to go home, so as Monica was preparing to see Ernest as both agreed. They had not exchanged words after that incident. Monica was seen in the room making-up while Udoka just hung her bag to leave. She looked at her sister and said, “I’m going home to see

Monica said nothing but concentrated on the mirror. After Udoka stared at her without getting a response, she headed
to the door, clutched it’s knob and
looked at her sister again before going out. She stood in front of the house in her outmost beauty; a tight jean trousers and high heel shoes on her legs. Above was a handless blue top that stopped at her abdomen in a way it was slightly visible. A blue hand bag also hung on her elbow. She brought out a non-transparent eyeglasses, wore it and catwalked to her car. “Open the gate” she
ordered the gate-man.


After a particular lecture, David sat under a tree with Ernest whom he had told her mother’s idea too. He called Sandra on the phone. After few minutes, she arrived looking more beautiful and a bit classic. She sat beside David while Ernest
excused them.

“You sounded urgently on the phone. What’s the matter?” Sandra asked.
David looked into her eyes. “You look different. Where have you been coz u didn’t attend today’s lecture”
“I went out with a friend”
“To where?”
Sandra couldn’t answer the question. Therefore she kept quiet.

“Well..” David began. “My mum wants me to bring you home with me this weekend”
“Why?” Sandra enthusiastically queried.
“I don’t know. My little sister is ill. When i planned to see her, my mum said i should bring you with me. I hope you’ll follow me”
“Why not?” Sandra happily said. But she suddenly asked, “What about Udoka?”
David stood up, dusted his butt and looked at her. “I don’t want to talk about it” he walked out..

Mrs Williams’ resident was a storey building-the one in town. It had a fence. Though the fence wasn’t high but had an electrified wire. The wire rested on metals which cross sectional area had an arrow shape and enabled one see the external part of the building. It also had a black gate. Tunde, the gate-man, la!d on a bench when he heard the horn of Udoka’s car. He stood up, looked through the small gate first before opening the big one. Udoka drove in. She parked the car beside her mother’s in the garage.
“Welcome, madam!” Tunde waved at her smiling.
“Hi, Tunde” Udoka smiled at him too.
“I’m fine, madam”

Udoka hurried into the house to the first floor through a staircase. There was nobody in the sittingroom but the television was on broadcasting Africa Magic. She sat down, picked the remote and lowered the volume. “Mother!” she called.
Mrs Williams came out from her room with hands on one of her ears. She was battling with an ear-ring trying to fix it on her ear. She dressed in a native attire. Though she was a woman in her late forties but she looked younger like she was in her early thirties. She finally hung the ring on her
ear and saw her daughter seated
haplessly on the couch.
“Udoka, what’s the problem?”

“Nothing, mother” Udoka replied.

“It can’t be nothing” the mother walked to her. She sat on the hand-rest of the couch where Udoka also sat. She placed a
hand on her shoulder then persuaded her to talk.

“Mother?” Udoka began. “Is it good for someone to leave the person she loves because of fear of the unknown?”
The mother reasoned the question. She could sense that her daughter had been hurt emotionally, so she replied and said, “It depends on the type of fear. But you shouldn’t leave the one you love because of external forces. You have to stick with him or her no matter what. Unless the person in question doesn’t deserve your love or love you anymore”
“Mother, you know I’m in a relationship with..”

“David” the mother interrupted. “What has he done to you?”
“Nothing, mother. I broke up with him because of another girl threatened me to leave him. But i still love him, mother. I don’t know what to do?” Udoka began
to cry…

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