My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 14

Episode 5 years ago

My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 14

I’m speechless. No, speechless isn’t the word. My breath gets hitched in my throat when I heard those words leave his mouth.
“I have feelings for you Ariel.”
“Y-You what?” I stutter.

Adam is still pressed up against me, with my back to the door. I’m breathing heavily because of our current situation and position.
He stands inches away from my lips, watching me intently as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I have so, so many feelings for you. I’ve tried to avoid them for so long. God knows I’ve tried.” He whispers, looking up at the ceiling of the big mansion momentarily for the last part.
“Why?” I asked curiously, still out of breath.
He seems taken back by my question but answers back.

“I’m afraid of how you make me feel.” He admits so soft, I almost don’t hear it. “Every day. Every hour. Every f-----g second of the day, I can’t stop thinking about you. And it f-----g scares me.” He continues.
I gape at him with a shocked expression.
Adam Haynes likes me?

I feel my knees become weak at his words. His choice of words spiral something so deep withing me that a puddle begins to form in my underwear.

“Uh, um-” I mumble not knowing what to say but Adam stops me from embarrassing myself.

“Do you like me, Ariel?” He asks twirling my hair around his finger.

“Yes.” I reply shortly but honestly, breathless.
With that, he kisses me, but this time, more passionately. My knees begin to feel weak again. Adam holds my hips tightly, practically holding my weight.

The kiss is soft, slow. He nibbles on my bottom lips causing me to m0an. I expected a smirk or something but nothing. Adam seems so caught up and focused on this kiss and I’m loving every second of it.

He kisses me harder but still slow. I wrapped arms around his neck, tiptoeing to kiss him better. He groans as I lightly rub myself against him.

He pulls away quickly, muttering something under his breath, backing me.

He adjusts his pants and turns back to me.

He looks at me and smiles awkwardly in which I send back one the same way.

How are we suppose to act in a situation like this?
“So..” I say breaking the silence.

“Yeah…” He says shuffling on his feet.
After a couple more of seconds I speak.
“I-I’ll just go and call my mother.” I say nervously on the verge of leaving.

“Ariel.” He warns.

I turn around and sigh, knowing that we have to talk about this.

I take a seat on the couch and Adam sits down afterwards.

None of us know what to say about the situation at hand. I mean, we just admitted our feelings for each other.

“Where’s Libby?” I ask not looking at him.
“Project.” He says shortly.

I didn’t reply after that. I just sit there awkwardly, him doing the same.

“Ariel.” He sighs. I turn to look at him. “Look, I like you, a lot. So let’s just start with me taking you on a date. Maybe?” He asks nervously making me “ aww” internally.

“I’d like that.” I smile at him.

He visibly sighs in relief and I fully turn to him.
“Should we tell Libby?” I laugh.

“She’ll find out eventually, it’s better it’s from us.” He chuckles.

He looks at me and smile and I do the same. His face slowly drops seriously when he looks at my lips.

He leans in slowly, about to kiss me when the door flies open. Adam and I jump apart in record time.

“Oh, hey kids.” Lily, Adam’s mom, beams.”
“Hey.” We both say distracted.

“Why are you home so early?” Adam asks.

“I finished work early today.” She locks the door. “Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna take a nap.” She heads for the stairs.

“Okay.” We say, anticipating her leave.
She stops then turns around sadly looking at me.
“Have you heard anything about your grandmother?” She ask softly.
I begin to feel sad. “No, not really.” I sigh. “My mother’s been busy with her most if the time.” I state.

“I’m sorry honey. I’m sure she’s getting better.” He smiles sadly.
“I hope so.”

She gives me a sad look but goes upstairs nonetheless.

“You good?” Adam asked. I jumped slightly, startled, forgetting that he’s still here.
“Yeah, yeah. I know she’s strong.” I smile remembering a memory of my grandmother.
“I’m going and take a bath.” I say getting up from the chair.

“Don’t I get a kiss first?” He ask with a smirk.
I thought about it. I mean, just because he said he liked me, doesn’t mean that we’re a couple right? And it still doesn’t mean that he can’t see other people, although I haven’t really seen him talking to any girls in the last couple of days.

Maybe I’m just thinking too much into this.
“Uhm…” I say.

Then I sprint upstairs.


“Don’t f--k with me right now, Bradshaw.” Libby growls as we sit on her bed.

I just told her about Adam and I’s confession to each other but of course, she doesn’t believe me.

I can’t blame her though. So many times, has Libby jumped with joy thinking that Adam and I were together but got her joy crushed when we corrected her.

It’s only natural now that she probably gave up.
“I’m not. He even asked me on a date.” I say with a smile, remembering the situation.
Libby looks at me, to see if she found any sort of lie. Once she doesn’t find anything, she squeals louder than I’ve ever heard and wraps her arms around me.

“When is the date?! What do you wear?! Where are you going?” She shouts shaking me.
Sigh. I love her.


“Now you have something to go in here for!” Libby shouts as she points at Victoria Secrets.
“No no, Libby.” I pull back from her grasp. “We’re just going on a date, not our honeymoon.” I state.

Libby rolls her eyes playfully as she speaks, “You’re such a bore. Come on, let’s try some place else.” She pulls me along.
All I said was that Adam and I have a date, and she takes it overboard with shopping.
As cliche as it sounds, Adam says, “it’s a surprise,” but says to dress casual nonetheless.
I just wanted to wear a jeans and a t-shirt but Libby being Libby, says that we must go shopping.
We continue walking by stores, when a particular dress caught me eye. It’s absolutely beautiful although it gives off more of a casual vibe, which would be perfect for this date.

Libby notices me looking at it and drags me inside the store.

“It’s perfect. Let’s get it!” She says.
Without waiting for an answer from me, she goes to one of the store assistants and asks them about the dress, I assume.
While I wait for Libby, I spot Liam standing outside talking to a girl that looks about our age. She’s average looking, with her black hair that falls to the mid back and thin figure.
A smile makes it’s way upon my face as I walk over to them..

“Liam!” I shout as I near them.
He notices me and smiles instantly. The girl turns around to face me.

“Hey.” I say once I arrived.
“Hey, Ariel.” He says giving me a quick hug in which I gladly return.

I turn to the girl and she looks even prettier up close. I give Liam an expectant look and he replies.

“Oh! Ariel, this is Miranda. My sister.” He says.
“I didn’t know you had a sister.” I smile at both of them.

“Twins actually.” She corrects laughing lightly.
I give both of them a look since they really have no common features.

“Fraternal.” She quickly says resulting in me making an ‘O’ shape with my mouth.
“So, uh, Ariel. What are you doing here?” Liam asks.

“Libby and I are here shopping for something for my date tonight.” I say.

“He asked you out?” Liam asked surprised.
“Oh yeah! I didn’t tell you! He did!” I lightly squeal.

“Wow, Ariel that’s great!” He smiles at me and hugs me again.

“I’m so lost here.” Miranda says smiling.
“Well-” I begin explaining.

“Ariel! I got it and only at half pr-” Libby starts but stops when she sees Liam.

They both look at each other as if they’re the only people in the room. Miranda and I give each other confused faces but as if we have the both brain, we smile evilly.

“Hello?! We’re still here.” Miranda shouts amusingly.

Both if them snap out if their trance at the same time and look at us.

“Right, uh, I got the dress.” Libby tells me, side glancing at Liam.

“Nice. Look, Miranda and I feel the need to… bond. Liam would you have a problem taking Libby home?”

“Uh, no, not at all.” Liam says.

“Good!” I reply.

“Come on, let’s go, Miranda.” I continue.
We walk off and look back at Liam and Libby to find them awkardly standing there.

“They’re in love.” Miranda laughs as we walk.

I chuckle and look at her. “What about you? Got a boyfriend?” I tease.

“Who me?” I nod. “Nah, every guy I use to bring about was scared off by Liam so I came to the conclusion that I’m gay.” She says surprising me.

“Yeah.. men are trash anyways.” She smiles.
“Eh.” I say in return.


I made it to Libby’s place safely after driving her car careful not to crash it.

I unlock the door and crash myself on the couch.
I hate shopping.

Just then, my phone rings.

“Hey honey, how’s everything going.”
“Mom? How’s Grandma?” I ignore her question.

“Well, I have excellent news. She’s doing a lot better.”

“That’s great! When can I see her?” I say sitting up straighter.

“Hold your horses there..” My mother laughs. “…we’ll be home in a couple of days.”

After speaking to my mother, I couldn’t help but smile. I’m going to see my grandmother again! I thank the Lord that she’s okay.
“What’s got you showing that beautiful smile?” I hear a voice say.

I turn in the direction and see Adam there in all of his glory. He takes a seat next to me on the couch.
“It’s about my grandmother.”

“Is she doing alright?” He asks worriedly.
“Yeah.” I say, small tears in my eyes. I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to her.

“Shh. It’s okay. She’s doing alright.” He kisses the tears on my cheeks as he hugs me.
I inhale his scent, knowing that he’s right.
Everything is just right.


don’t forget to…com!! ….. you know now…… lol….. Thanks!!!

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